Benefit of yoga is twofold - increased health and spirit are united with the body. This is achieved through the use of many different aspects, but mainly through a series of asanas, or positions, and practice of breathing / meditation
This raises the question many in the Christian community. In my research for this article, I am very surprised at the perspective of the defenders of Christianity, and to take on the yoga and exercise. I hesitated to write this article because of this view. However, I think this question and the position of the community warrants reflection on the Christian subject.
Yoga dates back over five thousand years, at the beginning of human civilization. It is really very little known about yoga. It is believed to have originated from Mehrgarh, a neolithic site in what is now Afghanistan. Scientists believe that he rose from stone age shamanism. In this first period of the beginnings of civilization, and the yoga community resource, because of his attempts to determine the cosmic order through inner vision, and apply it to everyday life. In recent years, yoga has evolved in the internal dialogue through which yogis have sought to develop their salvation and enlightenment.
Archaeological evidence of the existence of yoga appeared in the joints of stone discovered in the Indus Valley. This shows the numbers in many yoga asanas, or postures, yoga and officially put in the time around 3000 BC. More imports, it is also related to yoga in the Indus civilization, great Sarasvati, a period in time that was considered modern and efficient.
Civilizations of the Indus, Sarasvati mentioned in ancient texts known as Vedas, the oldest books in the world. Veda is a collection of hymns that praise a higher power, and contains the earliest written history of teaching yoga. Veda practitioner is required to overcome the limitations of man, and access to a higher spiritual level. In recent years, was written texts known as the Brahmins to explain the rituals and the hymns of the Veda. After entering the text, which describes Aranyakas practicing yogis living in isolation in the forest. This led to the beginning of the medical tradition of India known as Ayurveda. Yoga has become all in all, in the practice of health and harmony of the soul, and a lifestyle.
Christian perspective, and thus - if one opens the mind to think and a clearer vision of the Interior, and they open the spirit to demonic possession. There is a sense that the boundaries of the practice of yoga in magic and astrology, with an open mind and for the benefit of yoga is both dangerous and preaches against all Christians. Christians believe that the study of yoga is similar to the practice of Hinduism, and one can not separate the Hindu philosophy of Christian beliefs, regardless of the health benefits of yoga.
Buddhism as an exercise, I take issue with this view. For me, it smells of tunnel vision and narrow mindedness. It is expected that Christianity is to open their hearts and minds to Jesus, and surrender to the spirit of the Lord. Should be based on blind faith, and accept the word of God as the only truth in the world. We find this person thought of hypocrisy for Christians from the point of preaching should be avoided to yoga to open the mind to see things more clearly and encourage the possibility of demonic possession, but on the other side calls we must open the mind and heart to accept Jesus into their lives. With open heart and mind, is exactly that - whether to consider the self-one, or to accept Jesus into their lives. If, as Christians, preaching, and we are open to demonic possession, if we look inside ourselves, and an open mind to all possibilities, and how they can then safely to open our hearts to the concept of Christianity? Is there a porter who makes that decision when we do this is to determine at which we must follow? I do not think so ...
For the record, I grew up in a Christian family. My father was a deacon in the Baptist church in a small farming community where we live. I moved my mother, who taught children of all issues, a community of Baptist Churches of God, and ostracized by my father. I think the day of death, and she resented my father for this narrow-mindedness. Life is about choices, and my mother believes it is not necessary for us to work under the illusion blind faith, but to do what is good for us as individuals. That is why I am walking on the Nobel Road 8 folded. Is simply a matter of choice, and the questioning of everything in this universe.
I think the practice of yoga is a good thing. And offers significant benefits to health, and a clearer vision and harmony in our souls. In this day and age, why there? What if we must be Christians and Muslims, or Buddhists, we must not ignore the feelings and ideas of others and their rights in practice as they wish, or try to push our views on others by force. Living in harmony is exactly ...
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