Should also be aware that it is a very complex and an article will not be able to enough questions of integration, which is going to help us in dealing with it. 12 Ashtanga Yoga poses Namaskar is very important that should be done every asana in a very specific way to create interest for your body
These are the six we will try to ask about
1. Pranamasana (please)
Normal breathing - or Namah Mitraaya
Benefits: You will be corrected many of the waist and skin problems through asana as it adds passion and enthusiasm to put your which also helps your legs. Can control the mind because of the rule poses. It contributes to the development of a distinct personality due to the meditation techniques. Calm around you that will give you this level of balance within yourself.
2. Hasta Uttanasana (back arc)
Um Namah INSPIRE Ravaye
Benefits: This position again arch helps digestion due to the toning of the abdominal organs. In tones abdominal organs and lungs spinal nerves. It is very good for people who are overweight because it helps reduce excess weight you happen to wear every day.
3. Hastasana Pada (toe touch)
Exhale - or Namah Suryaaya
Advantages: If you suffer from stomach problems is one of the best ways out of it. It is a very simple solution to this problem. It also helps you to stay flexible because it helps your body tone, because it makes your spine flexible help to relieve your back, too. Is also correct problems with your feet and fingers.
4. Ashwa-sanchalan-Asan - (horse form)
Um Namah INSPIRE Bhaanve
Advantages: These process helps to stretch the muscles of your body that helps the proper functioning of your body. It can also problems such as constipation can be solved. Since there are stretching the muscles of the neck helps the thyroid gland.
5. Parvatasana - (downward facing dog pose or are in the mountain)
Um Namah - exhale khagaaya
Benefits: This asana helps create a strong set of arms and shoulders. And also strengthened the muscles that colors the return of the spinal nerves in the back flexible. In modern times, and you will find more and more obese people interested in learning yoga. This is a good asana to reduce your waistline bulge, which tend to be the main problem for many.
6. Ashtanga Yoga Namaskar - (push-up form)
Breath-holding or Namah Pooshney
Benefits: This is known as the sun form of salvation with eight parts of the body. Hands, legs, chest and feet work in sync to provide real benefits to your body. It helps to develop your chest muscles as it is also known as push-up pose.
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